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Ikon för att starta företag


For when you are in the start-up phase. We will assist you with an off-the-shelf company, strategy, acquisitions and more.

Ikon med två kugghjul


If you want the day-to-day stuff to run smoothly, we will ensure that payroll, accounting, HR matters and everything else operate as they should.
Ikon med blomma som växer


For when you want to expand and improve. We will produce strategic analyses, evaluate investments and improve your tax procedures, for example.
Ikon med händer och mynt


When you want to step down or hand the company over, we will ensure that generational turnover, divestment or liquidation goes smoothly.

What we can help you with:


Handle as much or as little as you want of bookkeeping, payroll and invoicing and enjoy full access to competent financial consultants when you need it.


We believe that you as an entrepreneur won’t want to spend too long on managing payroll and finance. That’s why we are continually developing our digital tools and why we offer support from experienced payroll specialists near you.

Business-related services

We help entrepreneurs with everything from starting a company to keeping the finances in good shape, business development and winding down. We also offer insourcing and business consultancy.


Our experienced tax specialists help companies of all sizes and industries - whether you have business locally or globally.

Expatriate Payroll Sweden

When hiring employees from abroad, it is important to be compliant with Swedish tax regulations concerning expatriate employee´s salaries and other remuneration components. Let Aspia assist you with the payroll of your expatriates, to ensure that everything is handled correctly, on time.

Explore Expatriate Payroll services from Aspia.

About Expatriate Payroll

Aspia in numbers



We are 1200 dedicated specialists within accounting, payroll, tax and consultancy. We are growing to give you even better access to the best skills in the market. Wherever you are.



We have over 55 offices across Sweden. But you have one on your phone too: via MyBusiness and the Enterprise Centre you can reach us at any time, anywhere. We are represented in the Nordic countries with offices in Vaasa, Copenhagen and Oslo.



Whatever you might need help with in your business, we can probably provide it. We give you access to specialists in every service related to your enterprise, from accounting and payroll to tax and consultance services.

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