When you need expertise to interpret and comply with the Bookkeeping Act, Annual Accounts Act, K2, K3, IFRS, and other complex regulations, we are readily available. We can answer specific questions as needed or provide you with access to a dedicated specialist for projects such as regulatory changes, company mergers, or preparing annual accounts and cash flow analyses. When it’s time for consolidated financial statements, we can assist with that as well.

Why Aspia?
All the Specialists You Need
Our 1,450 employees across approximately 60 offices nationwide work in teams to ensure you have access to the precise expertise your business requires.
Access to Modern Tools
We love digitalization and are continually developing digital tools designed to save time and enhance the quality of both your work and ours.
Broad Industry Knowledge
We understand that every entrepreneur is unique, with different needs and objectives. That’s why we always strive to provide tailor-made, scalable solutions for our clients, based on your specific business goals.
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