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The Whistleblowing Act – What You Need to Know

As of December 2023, all companies with 50 to 249 employees are covered by the  whistleblowing law.  This means that you must have a function for employees to anonymously report abuses without risking retaliation. 

With Aspia's whistleblower function, you ensure that your company complies with the legal requirements. Additionally, we take care of all the administration and file management.

How It Works

1. Reporting

When your employees create reports via our whistlerblower function the information and personal data stay encrypted and anonymous. 

2. Handling 

As an independent and impartial party, we at Aspia receive the report digitally or in a physical meeting. 

3. Investigation 

Depending on the content of the report, we take it forward for potential investigation internally within your company or with an external party. 

Would you like to try the tool? Click here!

What does the Whistleblower Function cost?


  • Implementation with 25 reporting areas (violations): SEK 3,500 
  • For industries/companies or groups requiring extended implementation: SEK 1,890 per hour 

Monthly Cost

Number of employees: Price
50 - 249 SEK 2000
250 - 500 SEK 2500
501 - 1000 SEK 3000
1001+ Separate quotation

Consulting Support

  • Hourly rate for case follow-up: SEK 1,890 per hour
  • Hourly rate for investigations: SEK 2,650 per hour

Why Aspia's Whistleblower Function?

Technical Solution

A digital platform where your employees can anonymously and securely submit reports. 

Illustration av tre personer i helkropp

Independence and Autonomy

As an independent third party, we at Aspia follow up and investigate reported cases. 

Illustration av väg med utplacerad kartnål

Local Presence

 Since our specialists are located throughout Sweden, we enable reporting both digitally and physically. 

Do you want to be sure that you are complying with the Whistleblower Act?

We are happy to assist you with a safe and complete whistleblower function.